NEXT WEEK: MI Sci PLN Thanksgiving Potluck – Sharing is caring!

A few weeks ago, a small team of MI Sci PLN friends met to gather ’round a virtual table for a smorgasbord of sharing; sharing ideas that we currently have under development. We all left feeling full, full of joy in our fellowship and gratitude for gifts we shared with one another. Like mama always said, "many hands make light work." You can check out our leftovers to see if there’s anything you might like to sample from the remains left on the table (of contents).

We had a such a good time, that we thought we would invite a few more friends to join us next time, for a MI Sci PLN Thanksgiving Potluck. The meal will be served Monday, November 30, from 10am-12pm. Bring a dish to pass (that’s an idea to share), or just join in the conversation and get a lickin’ on the pickin’s. If you’d like me to pull a chair up to the table for ya, RSVP here.

Either way, the MI Sci PLN Planning Team wishes you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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